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HARRY ELSTROM, Art Deco Expressionist Sculpture "Naked Woman Bust", unique piece 1940 - Pignolet Gallery

HARRY ELSTROM, Art Deco Expressionist Sculpture "Naked Woman Bust", unique piece 1940

  • Creator / Artist / Designer:Harry ELSTROM 1906 - 1993
  • Period:20th century - 1920 to 1940
  • Country of Origin:Belgium
  • Dimensions (H x W x D):35cm x 23cm x 16cm
  • Weight:5 Kg
  • Number of components:1
  • Condition:Excellent
  • Style:Art Deco
  • Materials:Mineral, Terracotta
  • Price:550 €

HARRY ELSTROM, Expressionist Sculpture, bust of a naked woman, Art Deco period
Unique Terracotta Piece, 1940s
Beautiful original condition.
In the spirit and style of Belgian artists such as Auguste Mambour, Oscar Jespers, Louis Buisseret, Josef Cantré, Charlers Leplae, Oscar De Clerck, Emile Poetou, Henri Puvrez, Jean Canneel, ...
Height with base: 35cm

Harry-Arnold Elstrøm is a Belgian Expressionist sculptor, born in Berlin in 1906 to a Danish father and an English mother. He studied art and art history in Dresden and then at the Royal Porcelain Manufactory in Meissen. He continued his training at the English Academy in Rome and in Florence. He will participate in excavation campaigns in Pompeii.
In 1928, he studied sculpture at the Academy of Brussels with Paul Dubois, Victor Rousseau and Jacques Marin, his work will be crowned several times.
Professor of sculpture at Saint-Luc (1940 to 1972) then professor of graphic and plastic arts at the Faculty of Applied Sciences (architecture) of the Catholic University of Louvain (1952).
Numerous exhibitions (see images) including the Universal Exhibition of Brussels of 1935 and 1958.
Author of coins and stamps, ceramist, the sculptor imposes his signature at the bottom of several monumental statues.
Died in Linkebeek in 1993.

Works in public space:

- Sculptures for the Basilica, Koekelberg
- Monument to Jules Cornet, avenue Frère-Orban, Mons
- Monument Jan-Pieter Minckelers and Duke Louis-Englebert d'Arenberg, Heverlee
- ...

- PIRON Paul. Dictionary of Belgian visual artists of the 19th and 20th centuries. Editions Art in Belgium, Ohain-Lasne, 2003, 2 volumes, Tome1 p547
- FROM KEYSER Eugenie. Contemporary sculpture in Belgium. Belgium, art of time. Laconti s.a., 1972, 260p. p226-227.
- ENGELEN Cor and MARX Mieke. Beeldhouwkunts in België vanaf 1830, Algemeen Rijksarchief, Studia 90, 2002, 3 volumes, Tome2 pp688-690.